A secure, reliable, local-server solution
The GlobeMed EMR is a locally hosted solution, meaning you enjoy the peace-of-mind that comes from knowing that all your data resides on a server securely housed within your practice – not somewhere out in the cloud. GlobeMed’s processing speed is not at the mercy of the stability or speed of your internet connection, and you avoid the problems associated with local data-caching and synchronization. Finally, having your patient records stored in a physical location can make it easier to pass on or sell your practice.

Ideal for first-time EMR users
If you’re just launching your practice and are exploring different EMR options, you ought to look into GlobeMed. In addition to handling scheduling and billing, it seamlessly manages encounter notes, referrals and consultations, orders, test results and other documents while providing invaluable trending data for chronic care patients.

Looking to replace your current EMR?
If you’ve already invested in an EMR but find that it’s not meeting your expectations, check out GlobeMed. Thanks to our company’s four decades of experience running medical clinics, the expertise of our on-staff physicians who work alongside our IT experts, and our round-the-clock technical support team means, GlobeMed is your best choice for ‘replacement’ EMR software.

Think your current Practice Management software is sufficient?
If your front-office team is happy with your existing Practice Management system, it’s natural to question why you should invest in more robust EMR technology. But the need to replace your aging hardware or obsolete operating systems may soon compel you to act. Rather than putting your practice at risk, why not transition now to a more efficient future on the GlobeMed platform. Our Billing and Scheduling modules are second-to-none, and it’s easy to activate the EMR functionality when you’re ready.
GlobeMed supports the following privacy requirements:
- Supports Federal Government’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) For details, please see http://www.priv.gc.ca/leg_c/leg_c_p_e.asp
- Supports Ontario Government’s Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA) For details, please see http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_04p03_e.htm
Fully certified.